Dear band members, I'm here to officialise our upcoming Band Workshop.
As you know, Calvin Khoo will be the speaker for this event this coming Sunday.
He was the band leader for various bands that represented our town and state, and also the brother of Jason Loo.
The Order of Events will be as follows:
12.15pm – 12.30pm: Getting to know each other.
Discussion on various music genres and interests will be of concern here, as well as knowing each others strengths and weaknesses while playing together in a band.
12.30pm – 12.45pm: Observation
We are to play two songs, and will be evaluated by Calvin.
The songs are as follows:
2. Running After You - Planetshakers (Praise) link - >
YouTube /
Song sheet
12.45pm – 1.15pm: Evaluation
Feedback will be given to individual musicians for good and bad points. Don’t take the bad points negatively as they are meant to help one improve his/her self. Some musicians may have technical area of improvement while some may have style collaboration and integration issues.
1.15pm – 2pm: Workshop
Topics will cover band dynamics, playing style, chords structures and chord progression.
2pm – 2.30pm: Q&A
Questions should be drafted from now onwards, since you got time to think of questions from now till Sunday!
Well, all you got to do now is to start thinking and writing questions. Listen to the songs, and if possible practicing individually. See you on Sunday